Saturday, September 6, 2014

Subliminal Photography Is the Only Way to Get a Photographic Memory, Everything Else Is Counterfeit!

Ever wonder how children learn things so fast? It is because they still have access to the subconscious region of their minds and that's the way they absorb information and acclimate themselves to the environment around them! It's how they learn to speak and absorb stories you read to them; sometimes to the point that they can read the entire thing back to you as if it were transcribed when you only read it to them once. You may say well if all people have it, where did it go?

It did not go away permanently, it's only suspended and fairly inactive. This happens to most people and the few that pass the boiler and make it to the other side are often called savants. Unfortunately, at times this trait comes along with other faculties diminished and many of these people can also be deemed as autistic. This is not always the case however, it happens more often than not. Whenever reading and traditional study are introduced the activity of the subliminal mind decreases because reading depends on conscious perception. The conscious and subconscious minds, though they operate together as part of one brain, do not work simultaneously. It is much akin to an un-used muscle as a result of inactivity. It is possible to reactivate the pathway to your subconscious mind but the right training is necessary.

This process of subliminal photography is very real and was developed by a man by the name of Richard Welch. The training is formally known as subliminal photography, or zox, based entirely on the internet. Even though physical headquarters exist, many more people are reached via the net. The formal methodology of Zox is backed by over 40 years of research and is amazingly effective. Subliminal photography in fact teaches you how to get a photographic memory because it reactivates the one you already have. A photographic memory is never lost, it is innate to the human condition. It simply becomes dormant as yeast from a lack of use.

If you have a goal to further yourself in your chosen career and in your course work, you need to become deliberate in action. Subliminal photography will give you the edge you have been dreaming of and school work will become easy. You'll fly through your courses with zero effort because you understand the subject matter back to front, period. Your trajectory will open up because academically you'll be up to par so there will be no limitations for you. LSATs? Done. SATs? Easy.

Don't wait, buy the course that will teach you how to access your photographic memory and launch your potential into another stratosphere today!

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